Saturday, 22 November 2014

A Good Fit: Sara & Roxanne

Continuing on the Sara Golish train, my focus and illustration this week, will be inspired by Moondust. I do not think that my portrait, however, would do her style justice so I have enlisted the help of  Roxanne Coombs, the owner of the blog Things That Annoy and Things to Enjoy. Roxanne has graciously provided me with an image of herself to pick apart for this portrait. 

Roxanne Combs

As you can see from the image, Roxanne has fairly long dreadlocks which ties perfectly into what Moondust represents; the beauty of natural hair. My hair is also natural but in the image that I have been using as a reference, my hair had been straightened using a heating tool which does not communicate the same message. When Roxanne first approached me to collaborate I thought of doing her portrait inspired by an artist she choose. She did not have an artist off the bat, and could not find one that appealed to her after much research. This was when a light bulb flashed in my mind and I presented her with the idea of using a Moondust piece. She was almost as excited as I was and her only stipulation was that I retain the pupils in her eyes, which I agreed to do without hesitation. For this illustration I wanted to dig a little deeper, and truly put myself in the artist's mind to achieve a well thought out portrait that communicated a message.


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